#1 Challenge Expert Pedro Adao shares all his secrets for how he has crushed 47 profitable challenges in a row since may of 2018...



#1 Challenge Expert Pedro Adao shares all his secrets for how he has crushed 47 profitable challenges in a row since may of 2018...


Now Is The Best Time To Launch Grow Or Scale
Your Business Online With Crush It With Challenges...

Content 1

ONLY 6 Payments Of $395 Or $1995!

Everything You Will Receive:
  • Lifetime Access To Crush It With Challenges Program ($4,995 Value)
  • The Ultimate Niche Finder: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  • The Ultimate Offer Design: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  • ​Challenge Traffic Mastery: Filling your Challenges with Paid & Organic Traffic with Kasim Aslam and Rachel Miller ($2,995 Value)
  • ​Seven-Figure Challenge Funnel Templates ($4,995 Value)
  • ​​Turnkey Challenge Graphic Templates & Customizable Facebook Group Cover Photo ($495 Value)
  • Crush It With Your First Live Event Training with Bari Baumgardner ($995 Value)
  • Lifetime Access To Crush It With Challenges Program ($4,995 Value)
  • The Ultimate Niche Finder: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  • The Ultimate Offer Design: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  • ​Challenge Traffic Mastery: Filling your Challenges with Paid & Organic Traffic with Kasim Aslam and Rachel Miller ($2,995 Value)
  • ​Seven-Figure Challenge Funnel Templates ($4,995 Value)
  • ​​Turnkey Challenge Graphic Templates & Customizable Facebook Group Cover Photo ($495 Value)
  • Crush It With Your First Live Event Training with Bari Baumgardner ($995 Value)

Challenges 2021 And Amazing Bonuses!

Video Reviews


...Use Pedro Adao's Crush It WIth Challenges Model To Take Their Businesses To New Levels Of Success

...Use Pedro Adao's Crush It WIth Challenges Model To
Take Their Businesses To New Levels Of Success

Review 1
Dean Graziosi

Pedro Is friend That Shows Up and Serves His Clients at the highest level. He has taken online challenges to a whole new level, the modern era"

Review 2
Joe Polish

"Pedro is without a doubt the leading marketing expert and authority on the subject of online challenges"

Review 3
Jason Fladlien

"I'm now convinced that the greatest competitive advantage you can have online today is knowing how to run online Challenges that convert.

And I have not seen anyone do challenges better than Pedro"

Review 4
Daymont John

"Pedro is an elite marketer... He has helped tens of thousands of my fans... I really enjoy our partnership"

Review 5
Russel Brunson

"It's absolutely incredible what Pedro has been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time"

Review 6
Ryan Deiss

"Pedro broke down his challenge model for Roland Frasier and I... Dude is super smart"

Rating 1


We Have Literally Taken EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Profitable Challenges...

Put it ALL together and made it available to you in the Most VALUE PACKED ROADMAP we could offer, from knowledge, to graphics, to funnels, to ads... We have covered everything from A to Z so your challenge process is as clear and stress free as possible...

Rating 2


We Have Literally Taken EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Profitable Challenges...

Put it ALL together and made it available to you in the Most VALUE PACKED ROADMAP we could offer, from knowledge, to graphics, to funnels, to ads... We have covered everything from A to Z so your challenge process is as clear and stress free as possible...

Challenges 2021 And Amazing Bonuses!



Rated 1

This program is not a lottery ticket... challenges only work if you put in the work to design and run them...

I believe this is without a doubt the best training you can get your hands on regarding challenges...

However, if for any reason at all, or for no reason at all, if you aren't satisfied with out have a full 14 days, to email us and receive a 100% Money Back no questions asked.

Content 1

Here Is Everything
You Will Receive...

  1. ​Lifetime Access To Crush It With Challenges Program ($4,995 Value)
  2. ​The Ultimate Niche Finder: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  3. The Ultimate Offer Design: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  4. Challenge Traffic Mastery: Filling your Challenges with Paid & Organic Traffic with Kasim Aslam and Rachel Miller ($2,995 Value)
  5. Seven-Figure Challenge Funnel Templates ($4,995 Value)
  6. ​​Turnkey Challenge Graphic Templates & Customizable Facebook Group Cover Photo ($495 Value)
  7. Crush It With Your First Live Event Training with Bari Baumgardner ($995 Value)

Get LIFETIME ACCESS To Crush It With Challenges 2021 And Amazing Bonuses!

rated 1

This program is not a lottery ticket... challenges only work if you put in the work to design and run them...

I believe this is without a doubt the best training you can get your hands on regarding challenges...

However, if for any reason at all, or for no reason at all, if you aren't satisfied with out have a full 14 days, to email us and receive a 100% Money Back no questions asked.

Content 1

Here Is Everything You
Will Receive...

  1. ​Lifetime Access To Crush It With Challenges Program ($4,995 Value)
  2. ​The Ultimate Niche Finder: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  3. The Ultimate Offer Design: Challenge Worksheet ($995 Value)
  4. Challenge Traffic Mastery: Filling your Challenges with Paid & Organic Traffic with Kasim Aslam and Rachel Miller ($2,995 Value)
  5. Seven-Figure Challenge Funnel Templates ($4,995 Value)
  6. ​​Turnkey Challenge Graphic Templates & Customizable Facebook Group Cover Photo ($495 Value)
  7. Crush It With Your First Live Event Training with Bari Baumgardner ($995 Value)

Get LIFETIME ACCESS To Crush It With Challenges 2021 And Amazing Bonuses!

Stop Delaying Your Success Like Anik Singal Who Finally Ran His First Challenge And Made Over $600,000

Using Pedro's Crush It With Challenges ™ Model

Stop Delaying Your Success Like Anik
Singal Who Finally Ran His
First Challenge And Made Over $600,000

Using Pedro's Crush It With Challenges ™ Model

Reviewer main

But, You DO NOT Have To Be An Industry Legend
To Get Legendary Results

Check Out Pedro's Crush It With Challenges ™ Results

Reviews 1

Dr. Gena Lester teaches people how to crush college admissions. In her first three challenges combined, she earned $42,000, had 800+ attendees, and added 1000+ leads.

Reviews 2

and her husband help people launch their faith-based non-profit. They had 25 people in their challenge and offered an affiliate offer on the back-end. With a 70% close rate, they made $20,000.

Reviews 3

Rachel Khachadourian was a top seller on Esty Platform when she decided to do a Pedro-style Challenge. She made
over $100,000 on her first one.

Reviews 4

Maya Comerota ran her “Born For This” 3 -Day Challenge and earned over $250,000. She followed that up with a Live Event to High Ticket Offer and earned $661,000!

Reviews 1

Dr. Gena Lester teaches people how to crush college admissions. In her first three challenges combined, she earned $42,000, had 800+ attendees, and added 1000+ leads.

Maya Comerota ran her “Born For This” 3 -Day Challenge and earned over $250,000. She followed that up with a Live Event to High Ticket Offer and earned $661,000!

Reviews 2

Reviews 3

Rachel Khachadourian was a top seller on Esty Platform when she decided to do a Pedro-style Challenge. She made over $100,000 on her first one.

Tamara Engwall and her husband help people launch their faith-based non-profit. They had 25 people in their challenge and offered an affiliate offer on the back-end. With a 70% close rate, they made $20,000.

Reviews 4


Student 1

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Student 2
Robert cobam

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Student 3
Jackson William

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Student 4
Robert Jerico

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Student 4
Marcquee Son

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Student 5
William Robert

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore iste natus, explicabo nemo doloribus delectus?

Challenges Take People Who May Not Be Your Dream Customers Right Now & Takes Them Through A Process That Prepares Them...


Rusell Brunson

Co-Founder of ClickFunnels | Best Selling Author | Funnel Expert

The Winners

Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3
Challenge 4
Challenge 5
Challenge 6

Challenges Take People Who May Not Be Your
Dream Customers Right Now & Takes Them
Through A Process That Prepares Them...


Rusell Brunson

Co-Founder of ClickFunnels | Best Selling Author | Funnel Expert

The Winners


Discover Why Now Is The Best Time To...
Your Business With Online Challenges

Aspiring Movement Maker,

You have the opportunity to get access to secrets I have learned crushing
48 challenges in a row...

To help ensure you crush your 2021 goals...

Regardless if you are looking to start a business and earn your first dollar on line...

Or if you are looking to grow and scale to 7 figures and beyond...

Then this Crush It With Challenges Program is for you.

I have put together everything you need to have success with challenges.

Imagine What Your Life Would Look Like...

If Every Single Month You Had The Opportunity To Run A Challenge...

TO Gather A New Group Of Highly Engaged People In Your Micro-Niche...

That have gotten to know, like, and trust you...and are fully bought into you product/service...
before you ever attempted to sell them something?

And what it we could do this in days...not weeks and months? ... This is exactly what I did and have
continued to do for 47 profitable challenges in a ROW!

And is why I' am widely known as "The Challenge Guy", for generating over my 8-figures
in only 2 years by innovating the use of free and paid challenges as a core strategy
to launch, build and scale my businesses.

But how?

The answer is using The Crush It With Challenge framework to create movements...

As we have covered this week; Movements are groups of people working together
to advance their shared idea, goal, or topic.

Movements are created through care, connection, and community. Movements have a culture that weaves
them together, and, together, they go faster, farther.

What we want more than influence, impact and income is a connection to something much bigger than ourselves.

Which is why I' am so thrilled to share with you the exact steps I use to design,
and execute successful challenges like clock work!

So you can start using the most important marketing campaign to be running right now,
without wasting a second more!

Click the button below to see everything you will receive today with the Crush It With Challenges Course
and TONS of Exclusive Bonuses!

In Your Service,

Pedro "The Challenge Guy" Adao

Discover Why Now Is The Best Time To...


Your Business With Online Challenges

Aspiring Movement Maker,

You have the opportunity to get access to secrets I have learned crushing
48 challenges in a row...

To help ensure you crush your 2021 goals...

Regardless if you are looking to start a business and earn your first dollar on line...

Or if you are looking to grow and scale to 7 figures and beyond...

Then this Crush It With Challenges Program is for you.

I have put together everything you need to have success with challenges.

Imagine What Your Life Would Look Like...

If Every Single Month You Had The Opportunity To Run A Challenge...

TO Gather A New Group Of Highly Engaged People In Your Micro-Niche...

That have gotten to know, like, and trust you...and are fully bought into you product/service...
before you ever attempted to sell them something?

And what it we could do this in days...not weeks and months? ... This is exactly what I did and have
continued to do for 47 profitable challenges in a ROW!

And is why I' am widely known as "The Challenge Guy", for generating over my 8-figures
in only 2 years by innovating the use of free and paid challenges as a core strategy
to launch, build and scale my businesses.

But how?

The answer is using The Crush It With Challenge framework to create movements...

As we have covered this week; Movements are groups of people working together
to advance their shared idea, goal, or topic.

Movements are created through care, connection, and community. Movements have a culture that weaves
them together, and, together, they go faster, farther.

What we want more than influence, impact and income is a connection to something much bigger than ourselves.

Which is why I' am so thrilled to share with you the exact steps I use to design,
and execute successful challenges like clock work!

So you can start using the most important marketing campaign to be running right now,
without wasting a second more!

Click the button below to see everything you will receive today with the Crush It With Challenges Course
and TONS of Exclusive Bonuses!

In Your Service,

Pedro "The Challenge Guy" Adao


You Know You Want To Crush 2021 With Challenges But You Still Have
Some Questions...


You Know You Want To Crush 2021
With Challenges But You Still Have
Some Questions...


A : Yes, as long as you follow the proven challenge framework Pedro teaches you will see results. This is the same framework used to help early-stage entrepreneurs and elite-level entrepreneurs scale their business. It’s worked over and over for thousands of people in every niche imaginable.

A : One of my favorite bonuses of this offer is that it includes my Ultimate Niche Finder Worksheet to help you define your micro-niche so you can then design an awesome challenge that will resonate with your micro-niche.

A : Yes. If you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur you might consider selling other people’s products instead of creating your own. That way you only have to be the sales person instead of handling product development, fulfillment, customer service, etc.

A : Yes. The good news is you don’t have to be technical. If you have a smart phone and a FB group, you can run your first or next challenge.

After you have made some money, then if you choose you can choose to invest some of your earnings into launching a level 2 challenge with Funnels and Facebook ads.

A : That’s why you’ll have access to a special Crush It With Challenges Community to get the encouragement, inspiration, and accountability you need to make it happen for yourself.

The best way to get your spouse on-board is to show them all the action you have taken and commit to following through.
We have found that it is more effective to ask your spouse for support in your learning How to Crush It With Challenges versus asking for permission.

A : Most courses or programs offer you information and leave you to figure it out for yourself.

Crush It With Challenges is all about getting results. Of course, I share information with you, but the real emphasis is on getting results. There’s live teaching, coaching calls, and accountability provided to ensure you take the actions necessary.

This is also the simplest, and easiest marketing framework to get success with. I have hundreds and hundreds of students that have finally been able to have success online with challenges after trying just about everything else.

A : I ask you “How long can you afford not to take action?” Doing the same thing over again expecting a different result is insanity. This program offers you an opportunity to radically transform your life while you start, launch, and grow your business.

Most of our students have made more than enough money on their first challenge to pay for the Crush It With Challenges program. The faster you do a challenge, the faster you will be able to pay for it.

A : The Crush It With Challenges Course (aka CIWC) is an online video course with the primary goal of educating students on challenges and walking participants through a step-by-step process on how to launch, grow, or scale their business with challenges. The course is accompanied by a comprehensive workbook and in-depth infographics to engage each student's learning style and maximize retention.

The course is broken down by modules and then lessons within each module.

A : You will receive INSTANT access to the Crush It With Challenges ™ 2021 Course.

Many of your Crush It With Challenges Bonuses will be delivered LIVE and rolled out over the next few weeks precisely when you need them, so you can apply the information at just the right time. We aim to reduce the overwhelm for our students and give you exactly what you need, when you need it

A : You will learn EXACT blueprint on how to run your first (or next) 5+ figure challenge using our proven framework to generate customers like clockwork.

A : That’s why you’ll have access to a special Crush It With Challenges Community to get the encouragement, inspiration, and accountability you need to make it happen for yourself.

The best way to get your spouse on-board is to show them all the action you have taken and commit to following through.

We have found that it is more effective to ask your spouse for support in your learning How to Crush It With Challenges versus asking for permission.